Monday, November 19, 2012

Back in the saddle

Hey it's almost Thanksgiving. Life is slowing down a bit and I'm looking forward to posting new articles, opinions, and flat out rants about pro wrestling real soon. Like tomorrow soon. If you missed Survivor Series (like I did) then you missed the debut of Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns. I have been geeked about two of these three for years. This is the spark that I was waiting on to perk my interest in the WWE product once again.

Tune into RAW tonight to see where the future of the WWE is headed. Then check back here tomorrow for a RAW review plus I am sure I'll have something to say about something the WWE screwed up. I'm looking at you John Cena's new money grab ... I mean gear.

Until then enjoy this and try to keep your shirt on (or not)